
Monday, January 3, 2011

Cruise packing tips

1. Airline tickets or e-ticket confirmation
2. Cruise documents
3. Passports and visas (if necessary) or proof of citizenship (check with your cruise line for requirements)
4. Vaccination certificate (if required)
5. Driver's license and auto insurance card - in case you decide to rent a car when ashore
6. Medical insurance cards and medical history
7. Copy of prescriptions and list of all medicines you are taking
8. Another picture ID - if you don't take driver's license
9. Credit cards - be sure to call credit card companies before traveling to alert them you are traveling outside your normal area
10. ATM card
11. Pre-paid phone card
12. Cash or traveler's checks (be sure to keep traveler's checks receipt in separate location)
13. 3 copies of airline tickets, cruise tickets, passports/visas, itinerary - pack 1 copy in carry on, 1 copy in checked luggage, and leave one copy with someone at home. Alternatively, you can scan the documents and email an electronic copy to yourself so that you can access them from any computer terminal. (I usually do both - "just in case")
14. Contact numbers to report lost/stolen credit cards or traveler's checks
15. Emergency numbers at home
16. Currency conversion chart
17. Wallet and fanny pack
18. watch - dual time zone watch is perfect!
19. Glasses, contacs, contac cleaner
20. Extra reading glasses
21. Sunglasses
22. Reading sunglasses
23. Guidebooks and other port of call information
24. Foreign language phrase book or dictionary
25. Maps
26. Reading material - books to read while on the plane or lounging by the pool
27. Journal or notebook and pen/pencil - for making notes to tell your friends back home about your experiences
28. Business cards with email address to give out to new cruise friends
29. Home and email addresses of friends/relatives back home - for sending postcards, emails, or gifts
30. Photo album
31. Plug adaptor and converter
32. Cell phone and charger
33. PDA and charger
34. Laptop computer
35. Binoculars
36. Film camera and manual
37. Extra film (don't put undeveloped film in checked luggage)
38. Disposable underwater camera - for snorkeling or beach days
39. Digital camera and manual
40. Extra memory cards for digital camera
41. Batteries for digital camera
42. Battery charger
43. Extension cord/power strip with multiple plug-ins
44. Walkman and tapes (for walking on deck or on treadmill)
45. Small travel alarm clock - battery operated
46. Lighted dial clock for cruise ship cabin
47. Small flashlight
48. Night light
49. Prescription drugs and any other essential medications in carry on bag
50. Ear plugs or "ear planes"
51. small first aid kit (band aids, Q-tips, vaseline, dramamine, antibiotic cream, bandages, anti-diarrheal medication, cortisone cream, aspirin/tylenol/advil)
52. Germicidal hand cleaner
53. Handy-wipes (for cleaning hands when ashore)
54. Hand lotion
55. Rubbing alcohol or foot lotion for soothing tired, hot feet
56. Bug spray (not for your cabin on the ship, but for those pesky mosquitoes and "nonos" ashore)
57. Sun screen/sun block and lip sunblock
58. Duct tape or strapping tape
59. Extra plastic cable-lock ties for securing luggage for return trip (better than locks, but one-time use only)
60. Extra luggage name tags (in case yours are lost on the outbound trip)
61. Zip loc bags of all sizes and garbage/laundry bags
62. Corkscrew (be sure to put in checked luggage)
63. Swiss Army knife or something similar with screwdriver head, etc. (be sure to put in checked luggage)
64. Small umbrella
65. Collapsible travel pillow for those long airplane flights
66. Crazy glue
67. Playing cards
68. Sports gear (e.g. snorkeling gear)
69. Shoe horn for getting those shoes back on your swollen feet
70. Sewing kit and scissors (pack in checked luggage)
71. Travel-sized Woolite
72. Clothes pins
73. Empty folding tote bag - for souvenirs or the beach
74. Hats/caps/visors
75. Insulated large coffee mugs

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