
Thursday, September 22, 2011

The list of festivals in china

1. Chinese New Year: the New Year festival in china is celebrated whole heartedly throughout china and other parts of world where Chinese community reside. In china what calendar is used that is based on the lunar system and it points the end of winter season and beginning of summer seasons and is supposed in the china as analogous of western winter carnivals. On the new year festivals Chinese people prepares, buy gifts, goods, new things and decorates their home on the eve of Chinese new year. It is celebrated in the mainland of china, Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore, Indonesia and western country in the china town like USA, Canada, and Australia.

2. Lantern Festival: This is festival of lights and knowledge. it is the celebrated on the fifth day of Chinese new year of first month and the last day of month throughout the mainland of china, Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore and malaria. This is very ancient time festivals where emperors and scholars people were using the lantern for knowledge gain. On the eve lantern festivals children go to temples pray, solve riddles. The lanterns are made of paper with different colors using. Now days it is found the many shape and colors.

3. Birthday of Guan Yin: This is festival of
wealth, peace and bless of God “Guanyin” on the nineteenth day of second month of lunar based Chinese calendar. The Chinese young men and women worship the Guanyin for peace, longevity and son. If a son is born, the parents will put him under Guanyin's lotus seat to proclaim their faith in Buddhism and make the baby the adopted child of Guanyin. On the same day Buddha monk and nun organize assemblies and bless the people.

4. Qing Ming Festival: This is festival of brightness and also known by many names like Clear Bright Festival, Ancestors Day, Festival for Tending Graves, Grave Sweeping Day, Chinese Memorial Day, Tomb Sweeping Day, Spring Remembrance and people visit their ancestors tomb clean and sweep them. This is day of remembering the own ancestors on the special day and visit their graveyards. During the this festival Chinese people go outside to enjoy the festival with their families.

5. Birthday of Mazu: The devotees of Goddess Mazu celebrates birthday. This is Goddess of fisherman and sailors to whom protect their life in the dangerous and unfavorable weather conditions. There are many myths and legendary story behind the Goddess Mazu. One of them states that when she was at age of 15 was very good swimmer and she was belonging to the fisherman families. Therefore due to abilities she was used to guide the fishermen and sailors in the bad weather. It is celebrated throughout the china, maccau, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia and western countries too like USA, Cananda, Australia.

6. Vesak Day: This is celebration of God Buddha of birthday commemorating, enlightment and death celebrated throughout the country varies different by Chinese tradition. Chinese Mahayana Buddhist is celebrated the vesak day 8th of 4th month of lunar Chinese calendar. It is celebrated different as their celebrating tradition and cultures. It is celebrated everywhere Chinese communities and Buddhist followers are there.

7. Dragon Boat Festival: This is summer time festivals lies in the fifth month of lunar calendar of Chinese New Year. It has hidden sense of health, mental peace and longevity by removing the evil spirit and making strong of immune system. On the occasion row boating competition is held and winner gets the prize and praise.

8. Birthday of Guan Gong: The birthday of Guan Gong is the thirteenth day of fifth month lunar. On the festival day Chinese people go to temple pray, worship and light the lamp. Thirteenth day of nine month of lunar calendar Guan Gong was apotheosized. One popular or legendary believe is associated with that if it rains on this day, if it happens means that he is wetting the whetstone on which he sharpens his longhilt sabre then it means it predicts that is going to benefitting the people.

9. Hungry Ghosts Festival: This celebration of ghost or ghost as form of spirit since the ancient time in the china as festival in the fifteenth day of seven month of lunisolar calendar which is Chinese calendar. On the this day festival people do a lot of activities like food offering, joss papers, paper boat in the name deceased person of family in the name of that. In some areas stages shows are done leaving all that prepared and hoping the spirit of deceased person will come back and will do some worldly and bodily actitivies.

10. Mid-Autumn Festival: This is festival of harvesting in the china and festival of enjoyment farmers and peasants families. It falls on the fifteenth day of 8th month of lunisolar calendar of china. It is one of oldest festival in the china as dated back to 3000 years and it got popularity during the tang dynasty and People’s Republic of china has listed this festival as “Intangible festival heritage of china” in the 2006. It is also celebrated in the other countries in the Chinatowns.

11. Birthday of Yue Lao: This is also known as an old man under the moon festival which is celebrated with great enthusiasm among the young people and parents for finding the love and blesses to be married their children. There is legendary story behind the celebration of birthday of Yue lao. One day man who is Wei Gu’s going to search of his future wife with fellow. On the way he saw an old man who was reading a book (A marriage book) then this young guy approached that old man and asked that what is reading that old man replied I am reading of marriage book so enthusiastically I asked that you can tell me my future wife. After a while old man replied yes and he pointed an old lay who was carrying three old girl in her lap is your future wife then Wei Gu’s got angry and sent his servant to kill that girl but servant was only managed to injure the child. After years later his official gave news about his wife we have searched his future wife so he did marriage and fortunately that is girl was his wife. He came to know from scar on his below eye of servant attacking to kill. Since then that old man is worshiped in the Chinese deity, for managing marriage between man and woman.

12. Birthday of Confucius: this is the most famous philosopher in china. He was born in 28 September 551 BC in Qufu, Zhou Dynasty. He was from the warrior family and that time his family has fallen in the hard time when he was born. His father was died when he was only three year old. He was token that a comprised man due to his talent and skill rather hereditary. He did job in the state Lu but left that job due what was happening were not compatible with his ideas and thoughts. He became world famous philosopher; teachers and he also established schools where he was practicing to teach students. He gave one of the Golden rules: “Don’t do to other what you don’t want done to yourself”.

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